Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What I learned from LA

Raised in the south, Tennessee and proud to have that opportunity. Los Angeles is to this date the city I lived the longest. "Can't take the country out of this gal" yet the invaluable life transformations to which were integrated and understood came from that move back in 1998. One of the best moves I ever made besides taking refuge to grandparents from a home of carnal abuse.

Yet to be edited~ Only 1st rough draft~~ Was inspired after just listening to Bob Dylan.. heehaw~~ Laugh Loudly Please! Love Light!

"What I learned from LA "

How to layer and look
To finish reading a book.

Autobiography of a Yogi
And drink lots of herbal tea.

Recognize bullshit
How much pollution cars emit.

How to practice discernment
And what wasn't a present.

Smell a preditor
At the door.

How to walk a way
And not be afraid.

How To be scared
And stay away from the wierd.

How not to be rude
Through the dance of lewd.

Keep my head high
Allow myself to cry.

A walk the other way~ Good bye LA~

To a larger wingspan
And no more Disneyland

Wish you well
For in my heart you dwell

To visit you with respect
And miss you
I always will!

For you taught me to grow
Lifting off now to and fro

Bringing with me your warm glow~
I bid you a gentle hello as I let go~

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hitchikers Guide to Enlightenment

The "small world" theory is gotten quite smaller which brings me to address even more tightly
my "time management". Discipline in connecting every morning with a strong grounding cord of intent!
Even if in that moment one could be facing intense consequences in the material world or illness to the physical, mental, emotional body. Life Wiggles! Is all gets to be seen fully for what it is and accepted! Denial, stuffing down type of process is a downward spiral that will lead to chaos which can be turned around to the light~ most give up at that point and loose faith~ Ride the wave feel that solid grounding cord, trust and enjoy the ride! Seeing situations with a new perspective, objective & non personal.
In a world that Wiggles, Meditation, in some way either still or moving, is necessary for our grounding.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Near Death Experience!

Mother Earth will be experiencing even more chaos as a new era awaits our planet.
This New Age has gotten quite out of line in our media/social lives & yet there are Hopi
Prophecy amongst others that share of a new earth~ Back to giving + receiving. A cooperative
world opposed to a competitive one~ We realize peace world wide starts from inside~ 100th Monkey theory~

Wake up, before it's too late! Save the Fish! Please Stand Up For Our Animals!

Who else will take a step towards non-cruelty to other forms of life! All for the sake of vanity~ a life for a belt?

Peace LoveFree!

Todays dive~

Deeper into thyself, down to the darkest areas of the soul! Anchored, darkness &

just able to accelerate forward+ upward!
With the momentum to cut through all illusion~~
The Opened-Heart Shines! Clearer, stronger and Stillness does run deep.

Scorpio Moon coming~Potency Prevails when you choose the Higher Heart!
Strength in a force more powerful~ Vala`

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life Supports An Open Heart !

"Wiggle-it, Just a little-bit" Remember that jingle? It's what is! What works has always been
what works, yet now in the Time Acceleration Nowments we are encoutering synchronicity like no other! What what happens next! Keep asking the "What" and leave the "how's" to natural law!

Co-creating with spirit on this path chosen by my soul is also teaching the responsibilities that arise when called deeper into the heart! When the heart opens to that deeper unconditional heart, challenges of the emotions are at peace, freedom awaits with Joy! The more attuned to our Earth + the other elements we inhabit & make up our cosmology/existence. Coming from this grounded heart space will bring us back to, "Heaven on Earth"
One heart at a time~ Peace World Wide, Starts from Inside!

A Force More Powerful~~